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Computer RequirementsComputer requirements for the Orthotech 3D MINI is a windows-based desktop or laptop (or mac with Bootcamp: with a minimum screen resolution of 1360 x 768 and at least 3 USB ports; these can be either USB A or C. We suggest three USB ports, even when the Orthotech 3D MINI scanner only has two because some computers on the market that only have two to three USB ports either have weaker connections or split their USB lines to create two USB ports from one. The Orthotech 3D MINI requires two strong USB connections. By suggesting three USB ports, this minimises the risk of our clients purchasing a computer that is not compatible with the Orthotech 3D MINI and allows you to have a spare USB port for devices like wireless mouses. Please note that these USB ports cannot be split with hubs or docks; they must be embedded in the desktop or laptop. For information on MAC and SurfacePro, see the heading below.
Downloading SoftwareThe Software for the Orthotech 3D MINI is the same software as our Prescription Software. Below is step by step on how to download the software: 1. Hover over Other in the menu of this website. Click Downloads 2. In the main menu select Downloads. In Software, you are required to download two files, the scanning software (Orthotech_3D_Install) and a Calibration File. Please note: every scanner has its own Calibration File unique to the ID on the back of your scanner) 3. Click on the Orthotech_3D_Install(ver 4.242) file within the Orthotech 3D MINI folder and select download. Please note: there are other Orthotech_3D_Install options in this folder, please ignore these are they are the same software, however, in a different format 4. Click on the Calibration Files folder and locate your scanner ID file (On the back of your scanner is the scanners ID) in the MINI Calibration Files folder. Click on that file to download and select download. Please note: Do not try and open the file as you will be unable to, this is to import into the software. 5. Once the software is downloaded, press Run. 6. Click Finish. 7. Once the software is installed there will be a green Orthotech icon on your desktop. Double click this icon open. 8. In the top menu bar select Setup > Setup, change the Serial Number to the code located on the back of your scanner. 9. Tick MINI 3D Scanner three rows down and click Save. 10. In the top menu bar select Setup > Import Calibration File. Select the calibration file you downloaded that matches the code on the back of your scanner. Please note: Make sure the file ends with .bin as copied files like (1) or (copy of) will not be accepted. 11. Click Open and the below popup will appear. Click OK. Please see Connecting you scanner to your computer below for further steps.
Updating Software1. Login to your portal via 2. In the main menu select Downloads > Software or CLICK HERE 3. Click on Orthotech_3D_Install, it should download automatically. 4. Ensure you have closed the existing software before downloading the updated version. 4. Once downloaded, run. 5. Tick 'no more queries' when prompted. 6. Click Finish.
Connecting your scanner to your computerOnce you have followed the instructions for downloading or updating the software above, see below for the step by step instructions for connecting your Orthotech 3D MINI to your computer: 1. Plug the scanner into your computer, there are two USB cords which require to be plugged into the computer directly (no hubs can be used) 2. Open the software. You have four choices, the custom script which also brings up the scanner, Polar Bear semi-custom, control360 and Control360 Pro scripts which do not require a scan. 3. Click on the custom orthotics button and you will see the scanning windows on the left and the script on the right. Is the images in the scanning windows upside-down? If this is the case all you need to do is press the ‘Exchange 2 Camera’ at the bottom of the scanning window located next to the home button, this will switch them back to the correct way. The reason this has happened is the scanner has two USB ports, if you plug them in the wrong sockets it will change the image to upside-down so we suggest that you mark which USB socket each USB port goes into so this does not happen again. Need help troubleshooting? See the troubleshooting section or contact the lab on (03) 9878 6011
What to look for in a good scan
Computer ResolutionDepending on what Laptop or desktop computer you have, your default/recommended resolution might make our software look slightly different. When purchasing a new computer, we suggest ensuring the minimum screen resolution is 1360 x 768. If you are looking at changing your resolution to make the software camera windows either larger or smaller, here are our recommendations for most Laptop or desktop computers. 1920 x 1080 1600 x 900 1360 x 768 1280 x 600 To change this, go to your desktop and right click to bring up a drop-down menu. Then select Display Settings and scroll down to Display Resolution.
Sending Prescription Forms and ScansOnce you have completed and saved your Prescription Form/s and Scans to begin manufacture we require them to be sent to the lab, this can be done online or via email. Online CLICK HERE for the overview and step by step for uploading Prescription Forms and scans online. Email 1. Login or open your email software. 2. Create new email. 3. TO: 4. Attach your Prescription Form/s and Scans, you can either drag and drop your files into the upload section or upload via the upload button. For more information on locating scripts please see Locating Prescription Forms tab. 8. Press Send. You will receive an email within 5 minutes confirming your order. We suggest saving as a contact for future use, if you require to change or cancel your order please email with your request.
MAC and SurfaceProFor the Orthotech 3D MINI, the computer requirements are quite basic: A windows-based computer with a minimum screen resolution of 1360 x 768 and at least 3 USB ports; these can be either USB A or C. Though a Microsoft surface is windows based, there is a slight problem with the Surface Pro laptops; they are one of the only computers on the market that comes with only one USB port. They claim to be a computer; however, they are more of a tablet. We require separate USB ports for our scanners as splitters are only strong enough to charge a phone. Luckily, they have a dock addition you can purchase, which adds on four more USB ports (please note that there is more than one dock on the market and purchase the one recommended by Microsoft and your surface model). This dock will turn your Surface Pro into more of a computer and is very beneficial in the long run with the four extra USB ports, Mini Display Ports, Audio Out Port and an Ethernet Port. You need to ensure that the dock is plugged in and on for the scanner to work. MAC If you do not have access to a windows based computer, using a split system on your mac which allows you to use window products is an option for MAC users. You can find out more about bootcamp here:
TripodThe Orthotech 3D MINI comes with a tripod, below is a step by step video going though setting it up:
Foot SwitchWith the Orthotech 3D MINI you are able to use a delay function, wireless mouse or footswitch when capturing the scan. Below is a step by step video on how to install and set-up the footswitch: The way the foot switch works is just like clicking a mouse, when taking a scan make sure you have the curser over the ‘Scan 3D’ button before holding the foot in natural.
Scanning MethodsYou can scan either Prone or Supine with the Orthotech 3D MINI. Below are step by step videos going through both methods: Prone Supine
Scanning SockThe Orthotech 3D MINI requires a sock for scanning, this allows the scanner to be as small as it is. We suggest one sock per patient and not reusing them. If you decide to reuse the socks, please wash them between uses and once the sock shows signs of discolouring and balling to retire the sock. You can send the socks back to the lab as we work with many charities and donate them. You are able to order socks via your myorthotech portal under Ordering or CLICK HERE. Below is a step by step video going though how to properly place the sock on the patient:
What to look for in a good scan
Difference in Scans | All Scanners
Picture is upside downIf this is the case all you need to do is press the ‘Exchange 2 Camera’ at the bottom of the scanning window located next to the home button, this will switch them back to the correct way. The reason this has happened is the scanner has two USB ports, if you plug them in the wrong sockets it will change the image to upside-down so we suggest that you mark which USB socket each USB port goes into so this does not happen again.
One or more camera windows are blankWhen one of more camera windows are blank, you are unable to scan the patient as we require two camera windows to be operating to take a scan. This could be due to the cables being loose or not connected to the scanner or computer. If both cables are securely connected to the scanner and computer, see the below options: We suggest trying different USB ports on your computer. The reason behind this is that some computers have split USB ports which will not work as it is not strong enough for the scanner. If your computer or laptop has USB ports next to each other, please try separating them by using, for example, one USB on each side of the laptop or one USB at the front and the back of the computer. Ensure that you are using USB ports on your computer. Unfortunately, USB hubs or powered hub do not work with the scanner; the USB ports need to be located on the computer for the cameras to work. Check if the program is open more than once. If it is the windows will not show an image. Please exit all and reopen the program once.
Error Message - SetBrightness(int Brightness) : Setting Brightness failed.This error message might come up here and there depending on how much light you have directed at the scanner when opening the software. Once you click Ok, you should be able to scan as normal. If you have issues scanning, please contact the office, and one of our staff members will be able to log in and check the settings for you.
Error Message - Please input patient's NAMEThe message 'Error Message - Please input patient's NAME' will appear if you have not filled out the patient's name on the prescription form before pressing the Scan 3D button. We require the patient's name before scanning the patient's feet; this is filled out at the start when the prescription form appears. Once the patient's name is filled out, you can press SAVE, and the prescription form will disappear, allowing you to scan the patient. DO NOT attempt to fill out the patient's name in the scanning window (see below image); this will not allow you to write anything. This section will automatically fill out once you have filled out the patient's name on the prescription form.
Error Message - Please choose : SHELL MATERIAL - COVER LENGTH - COVERSTo minimise important missing information on prescription forms when submitted that delays manufacture, we have three sections that are mandatory to fill out before pressing save. These are shell material, cover length and top cover. No need to fill this out each time, we suggest setting up a default form so this information auto-populates for you. Please CLICK HERE for a video on how to set this up.
Error Message - Error in getting 3D points data in system number [1]This message will come up if the scanner is unable to locate the sock pattern when scanning. The reasons are below: No sock on the patient Direct light blinding the scanner which is not allowing to see the sock pattern The room is too dark to see the sock pattern Sock not placed on the patient correctly, see video for correct method
Cannot find location of prescription forms/scansThe default location for prescriptions located in your (C:) drive, they are then saved by year and date. Please see below step by step on how to locate your Prescription Forms: Head to My Computer or This PC. Click on Windows (C:) under Drives and Devices. Click on Program Files (Not to get confused with Program Files x86) and locate the Othotech_3D folder. Click on 3D Data to view the year and date folders storing your prescriptions. If you are unable to locate them, using your folder search bar and typing in the Patients name will help you locate them.
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